What Is A Living Sacrifice-What Does “Sacrifice” Mean to You?

Does the word “sacrifice” conjure up in your mind? To our military personnel, sacrifice is giving up their personal lives to fight for our country. It means leaving spouses, children, family members, and friends, and sometimes it means never returning.

That is indeed an enormous sacrifice. You do not even have to relate the sacrifice to war. How many people serving our communities as police officers, firemen/women have lost their lives to save the lives of others? Sacrifice is a daily part of our lives.

what is a living sacrifice
what is a living sacrifice

What is the definition of sacrifice?

When people think of sacrifice, they think about giving up something; however, this is only half the story. The Law of Sacrifice decrees that you give up something of a lower value to attain something higher of a higher value.

In these terms, you can see that applying the Law of Sacrifice to your life is about gain, not loss. Using the Law of Sacrifice properly will cause you to advance, not regress.

What is a living sacrifice?

The horror of seeing your parents or family members lose their lives in this fashion is incomprehensible. There was a joyful discovery in locating her father’s family members who are still alive, which brought tears of joy to my heart.

We are faced with various degrees of sacrifice in our lives. With the economy the way it is, many families have been faced with losing their homes, cars, and other possessions to have enough money to buy food and feed their children.

Single mothers go without food, so their children will have food to eat. Homeless people go without shelter, food, and clothing, never losing sight of the hope of finding assistance.

As parents, we sacrifice our desires to fulfill the needs and wants of our children. These are joyful sacrifices, as far as I am concerned. We are truly blessed to have these children, if only for a short time.

This is a true sacrifice.

With Easter approaching, my thoughts and heart are awakened thinking about the supreme sacrifice God made for us—sending his son Jesus to show us the way and Jesus’ ultimate surrender of dying on the cross to save us from our sins.

I am sure you will agree that Jesus’ sacrifice can never be duplicated. I am forever grateful for Jesus and the cross at Calvary.

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As a final thought, I recently heard it said that the greatest gift of love is not what someone is willing to give but what they are willing to give up…This is a true surrender. I hope your sacrifices will be few and your lives absent of want and filled with His many blessings.

People generally want to advance in life. People wish for success but are often unwilling to give up simple pleasures in life, even temporarily, to achieve their goals.

Sacrifice your life so that you

Many people wake up with their television and go to bed with their television, and some people have a television in just about every room in their home, including the bedroom and bathroom. Yet, one of the people’s biggest complaints regarding pursuing ambitious goals, e.g., starting their own business, is that they don’t have time.

It is estimated that the average child spends more time watching television than attending school and that in most households, the television is on an average of 7 hours a day. Granted, not all television is terrible, but are people who have their television on for hours particularly selective about what they watch?

What if a person were to stop watching television for just an hour a day and replace that hour with an hour of personal development, exercise, studying new skills, or starting a new business? Even that small investment in time, consistently applied, would yield great dividends.

What is the sacrifice of praise?

For so long in churches, praise and worship have been stereotyped as ‘praise being the fast songs, and worship being the slow songs.’ I don’t know about you, but this has never sat right with me – because sometimes I feel like praising even during slower songs at church and worshipping in parts of the faster songs. There has to be a better way of describing the difference between praise and worship.

Therefore, by Him, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God; this is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. – Hebrews 13:15

Then David said to the assembly, “Praise the LORD your God.” So they all praised the LORD, the God of their fathers; they bowed low and fell prostrate before the LORD and the king. 1 Chronicles 29:19-21

The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and other instruments, they raised their voices in tribute to the LORD and sang: “He is good; his love endures forever.” Then the temple of the LORD has filled with a cloud. 2 Chronicles: 5:12-14

Some significant sacrifices in life one of those sacrifices involved

Every moment of every day, you are trading your life because what you choose to do in every moment is a trade-off between that activity and something else, and you cannot regain the time you invest or lose.

Are you effectively applying the Law of Sacrifice to your life to trade your life for something of value, or are you just frittering away your life?

No one who has ever achieved anything of any great significance has done so without making sacrifices. For instance, Internet Marketer Matt Bacak has made some significant sacrifices in his life, and one of those sacrifices involved his mother.

When he decided to pursue his dream of becoming a millionaire – a goal he had identified for himself since. He recognized that he had to get focused to achieve this goal. This would necessitate that he eliminate anyone from his life, at least until he completes his mission, who would not be supportive of or instrumental in achieving his goal.

Sacrifice Synonyms

surrender synonyms
synonyms in hindisynonyms in english
त्यागsacrifice, renunciation, disclaimer, retraction, abdication, reject
यज्ञsacrifice, oblation, immolation
न्योछावरsacrifice, gift, present
हानिloss, losses, impairment, harm, detriment, sacrifice
नुक़सानwaster, spoilage, damage, harm, disservice, sacrifice
बलिदान करनाcost, immolate, sacrifice
त्याग करनाeschew, proscribe, deny, cede, disclaim, sacrifice
कुरबान करनाimmolate, sacrifice
नष्ट करनाdestroy, shatter, rase, sponge, dissipate, sacrifice
sacrifice synonym


I hope you guys have learned a lot about sacrificial. You have understood everything: what a gift is, its meaning, and the synonym of surrender in Hindi English, etc. You have known the words. If you like, then share it with friends.

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